My New Years Resolutions Re-Visited
1. Take More Pictures-Random Pictures

-Event Pictures
Sierra Boarding Sesh
No Pants Subway Ride 2010
Yelp Party at Children's Discover Museum in San Jose

The Pictures was a
Successgot to keep it up!!
2. Cook More-Filipino Food
-Healthy Food
Cooking more has been a complete
FAIL!!3. Develop Good Habits-Situp and Push-ups in the morning
-Do Laundry on a Weekly Basis
+Stop cussing
Laundry hasn't over flowed
Haven't been doing situp/pushups every morning
Needs more work and needs more good habits.
4. Exercise More-Loose 15 lbs.
-Get a Six Pack
+Ride Bike more
I need to update this later.. haven't done my weigh in but this was as of Jan.
5. Be Productive-Less Naps and Video Games
-Consistently be active
+Write more yelp reviews
Made some 4x6 prints and framed them
Also Rearranged my room around

Haven't been napping but been sleeping in so need to update this
Also haven't been on 2k but on my Nintendo DS now
Wasn't a complete fail after a month.
Still need to stay on top of everything!!