2. Cook More -Filipino Food -Healthy Food Not a complete Fail Need to focus on making meals like pictured aboved
3. Develop Good Habits -Situp and Push-ups in the morning -Do Laundry on a Weekly Basis +Stop cussing +Keep Apt. Clean
I Feel like I can always keep adding things here as I go month from month
4. Exercise More -Loose 15 lbs. -Get a Six Pack +Ride Bike more I need to update this later.. haven't done my weigh in but this was as of Jan. Ok so I haven't hit the scale for two months But I have a great feeling that its going to be BAD!! Really need to get an update for this!! 5. Be Productive -Less Naps and Video Games +No Naps -Consistently be active -Write more yelp reviews You can find my Yelp reviews here on my blogspot now..
+7x7 get at least 30% this year. The Big Eat 2010 Scavenger Hunt Knocked off two last month: I fell like I can add on to this as I go month to month as well